Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cholesterol


Even though cholesterol is made in the body, it can be increased by the things we eat. Having high cholesterol is really bad for you as it blocks up the arteries and prevents the blood from going through  the way it should. This can cause heart attack, stroke or other problems such as poor circulation.

There are two kinds of cholesterol; high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL). The former is good and the latter is bad because this is what gives you the kind of cholesterol that blocks the blood vessels. This is known as plaque and causes the arteries to harden and narrow so the blood flow is restricted, causing heart pain and often, heart attack.

Here are some easy ways to reduce your cholesterol levels so you can be healthier.

  • Eat less saturated fats such as that from meat and junk foods.
  • Eat more healthy choices such as vegetables fruit and nuts.
  • Reduce your intake of processed meats such as sausages, Devon, ham and hot dogs.
  • Avoid the skin of chicken.
  • Have low fat or no fat option in drinks, cheese and yoghurt.
  • Go low on the bought cake and biscuits – home made (not packet cakes) are better.
  • Get plenty of exercise. This also helps to lower cholesterol.
