5 Things to Consider Before Getting Laser Eye Surgery

Getting Laser Eye SurgeryLaser eye surgery is an increasingly common procedure used to correct a range of vision problems, including long-sightedness, short-sightedness, and astigmatism. In general, it’s a safe, low-invasion procedure with few side effects and a short recovery time.

However, there are still a few things you should consider before you go in for laser eye surgery. You need to make sure that you have a decent understanding of what your procedure is and what it’s going to involve.

With this in mind, we’ve put together a short list of five things you should consider before committing to laser surgery. They include:

1. The Different Types of Surgery

Basically, there are three different types of laser eye surgery suited to different people. Your surgeon and optometrist will ultimately have the final say on the right surgery for your needs, but you should be aware of the options and the associated risks.

The three main types of laser surgery are ASA, LASIK and SMILE. All three can be used to treat short-sightedness and astigmatism, while ASA and LASIK can both be effective for correcting long-sightedness.

2. The Main Risks of Your Surgery

Although laser eye surgery is generally quite simple and safe, complications can occur. It’s important to consider the risks to your long-term vision before you agree to surgery.

Both over and undercorrection can occur and can result in deteriorated rather than improved vision. Your cornea can also be damaged, and infection and inflammation are a real risk. If one of these problems does occur, secondary surgery could be required.

3. The Cost of the Surgery

If you don’t have private health insurance or a decent amount of money to spend, you might find that laser eye surgery is simply too expensive for you. In general, the cost of laser surgery in Australia can be anything from $2000 to $6000+.

It’s also worth noting that laser surgery isn’t covered by Medicare unless it’s used to treat an eye disease. But, most private health insurance policies include some sort of laser surgery coverage. Speak to your insurance provider to find out more.

4. The Experience of Your Surgeon

Your sight is extremely valuable, and it’s never a good idea to do anything that could negatively impact it. It’s therefore worth considering the experience of your surgeon and the likelihood of them making a mistake – after all, they are only human.

5. The Limitations of Laser Surgery

Finally, it’s important to realise that laser surgery isn’t a magical solution that will always fix your poor vision. In many cases, patients achieve 20/20 vision after surgery, but this is by no means guaranteed. You might still have to wear glasses or contact lenses after the procedure, so make sure that you’re aware of this.


All in all, laser eye surgery is a relatively safe procedure that’s worth considering if you want to improve your vision. However, it’s worth considering the five points we’ve outlined above before committing to surgery.