Why Is Breakfast Considered The Most Important Meal Of The Day?


Out of all the big and mini meals we consume on a daily basis, breakfast is considered to be the most important of them.

It was in the 13th century that the word, ‘breakfast’ came into existence. It was essentially introduced after the verb form of ‘breakfasting’ and ‘breakfasted,’ and it was called that because it would be the first meal after fasting since the previous evening’s meal.

Not only does breakfast kick – start your metabolism but also energizes your body to get things done all throughout the day. One tends to achieve a better focus, and several studies have even linked consuming healthy breakfast to the key of preventing heart diseases and another body – related diseases.

It is as simple as this when you wake up; your body requires blood sugar to push your brain and muscles to function properly. Moreover, if you skip breakfast, then you are more likely to over – eat later in the day.

Following given are some of the benefits of having healthy and timely breakfast:

  1. Proper Breakfast Allows Adequate Body functioning

When you sleep for 8 to 10 hours, your body’s glucose levels tend to decrease. Breakfast is a way of restoring glucose levels in your body. Greater glucose levels improve memory and concentration levels by making the brain healthier. It keeps us happier and stress-free at most times.
