Are You Depressed?


Depression is an insidious condition and even though you may easily recognize the symptoms in other people, it is much harder to recognize depression in yourself.  If the depression is not very severe, you may think you are just feeling a bit off, but you don’t know why.  Sometimes, it may just get better by itself, but other times it does not, and may become worse.

If you have had the symptoms for some time, you may forget just how good life used to be and that is the big danger; accepting how you feel now as the norm. If you don’t enjoy life as much as you used to, it is a good idea to ask friends or loved ones if they have noticed any change in your behaviour. It could be that you have become more irritable or you refuse to go out with your friends like you used to.

If you are not as happy as you would like to be, think about why that might be. Naturally, if you have suffered an emotional or even physical trauma of some kind it is going to change you for a while until you come to terms with it. But if you can think of no reason why you should feel down, then it is time to look at what is happening to you.

Here are some of the milder symptoms that can help you to recognize depression in yourself, but they may also have other causes:
