How to Prepare for a Dental Emergency

Dental Emergency

It’s a good idea to be prepared ahead of time for any kind of emergency so that you know what to do and have the right things to hand to treat it. For instance, if you need an emergency dentist you won’t be so likely to panic when you know what to do when you need to see your dentist.

This is especially important for those who play sports on a regular basis or for people who indulge in extreme activities. Having a dental first aid kit in the car and knowing what to do if a tooth is knocked out will ensure that you have the best chance of saving the tooth.

What you need in a dental first aid kit

  • A small container with a lid to hold the tooth
  • Contact information for your dentist
  • Painkillers that are not aspirin or ibuprofen, because they are blood thinners and will exacerbate any bleeding
  • Gauze
  • A clean handkerchief
  • A small bottle of fresh milk should be taken to each game

What to do if a tooth gets knocked out

  • Pick up the tooth by the top or crown. Never touch the root.
  • Rinse the tooth gently. Make sure you don’t drop it in the sink or it might go down the drain. Place a washcloth over the drain hole.
  • Try to replace the tooth, then bite down gently to ensure it is fully seated in the socket.
  • If this can’t be done, place to tooth into the container and tip the milk into it, then pop the lid on.
  • Call the dentist immediately and get there as quickly as possible. The sooner you get there, the more likely it is that the dentist will be able to save your tooth.

What to do if a tooth is knocked out of alignment

Sometimes the tooth is just knocked loose rather than right out. It may look or feel crooked.

  • Call the dentist right away for an emergency appointment
  • Try and push the tooth gently back into place with your finger
  • Do not force it if it won’t go
  • Bite down gently to try and keep it from moving until you get to the dentist.
  • The dentist may need to splint the tooth by attaching it to the teeth on either side.

What to do if a tooth is cracked or fractured

  • Call the dentist
  • Rinse your mouth out with warm water
  • Use an ice pack to reduce any swelling
  • Don’t apply any painkiller to the gum, as it can burn the gum.
  • Take painkillers that are not aspirin or ibuprofen
  • the dentist may be able to save the tooth depending on the injury.