The Health Benefits of Landscape Design

Benefits of Landscape Desig

Landscape design is meant to create a beautiful outdoor space that people enjoy spending time in, but it does far more than most people realise for their health. Many studies have shown that spending time outdoors either in a natural bush environment or one that has been created on purpose, has many health benefits for those who are sick in some way, either mentally or physically.

In fact, one Perth hospital has had an outdoor space designed especially to help in the recovery and rehabilitation of patients who have been injured in some way and for those who are suffering from mental problems such as depression. Simply walking around the area the way it is designed, gives patients small challenges to overcome and helps them to exercise in a way that gets those injured muscles working. Their carers can actually measure their improvements daily due to small markers that are not very noticeable, so don’t spoil the landscape.

Many people realise that being outside in such a space either at home or at a public park, for instance, makes them feel much less stressed and has a calming influence.  Most doctors agree that constant, long-lasting stress is big factor in causing many diseases as the effect it has on the body is so negative. It can cause high blood pressure which can lead to heart attack or stroke and many other nasty health problems.

Creating an alfresco haven in your own backyard can have a greatly beneficial effect on your health.  It should be a place where you can have some privacy from nosy neighbours and noise, where you can be comfortable and relax with a coffee or a book or just nothing at all.  Add some pretty flowers and shrubs, a shade tree and a birdbath to attract some sweet music and your stress levels will go down each time you spend time there.

When you walk around the garden it gives you gentle exercise that can improve the circulation and take the stiffness out of your limbs. It is much more pleasurable than walking on a treadmill in the same spot all the time with nothing pretty to look at.  That’s not to say you wouldn’t benefit even more by a brisker, longer walk outside somewhere, but it’s a start and often the only exercise that the elderly get.

In addition, it gives your mind something else to think about apart from your problems, whether they are health problems or something else. Your mind plays a big part in how you feel so thinking about your garden and picking a flower or admiring the pretty effect of autumn leaves is good for you mentally. And if you can also do some easy gardening chores you will feel more satisfaction in your life.